PIRATE QUEEN is a bath soak whose name and contents nod lovingly to the great Irish island. This is the 16oz bag of salts, which works out to 4-5 baths.
Made from a blend of epsom and Celtic sea salts, this bath soak features high and low notes of lavender, eucalyptus, spearmint, rosemary, and calendula.
Regarding the name: the Pirate Queen of Ireland was the fabled Grace O’Malley, who, as a little girl in the 16th Century, wanted to sail the Irish seas with her father. He told her girls weren’t allowed on ships, for fear that their long hair would get caught in ships’ rigging. So, in response, Grace went to her room and chopped off all of her hair, announcing to her father that she had fixed the problem. He had no choice but to let her sail, and we have no choice but to stan and soak.
This bath salt is as bold and brilliant as its namesake.